Paying someone to join your program is a great way to get referrals and make money. Let's be fair here ok!
I do have a few rules and want to let you know that if I feel you are out of line or not being fair I will remove your post and ban you from this site.
Please Make Sure You Let Them Know When They Get Their Money!! I joined a program and completed an offer the otherday with the undestanding that as soon as it was completed I got paid...well..I didnt! They then stated that AFTER THEY GOT PAID...then I got my money. This could be another month from now for all I know! So please state excatly when you intend to pay them so this is clear from the start! MAKE SURE you clearily post all the deatils of the offer when posting!
PLEASE BE CAREFUL WHEN PARTICIPATING IN CASH BACK OFFERS! If you are cheated out of money by someone this board can not be held liable! You are doing this at your own risk! So make sure you can trust the person your are expecting to pay you! Visit the board and see if he has other offers that have been paid so he can be trusted. I know this board is new so that is hard to do...SO JUST BE VERY CAREFUL!
ONCE YOU HAVE BEEN PAID.... Please post on the board so we know who to trust!