I have been a member of chillincash.com (GPT) for over a year. I have been having issues with this site. In March 2009 someone wiped out my account balance. I sent a "Trouble Ticket" to the administrator "Joe". No response. Then a few days later my account balance was back with and additional $405.00. I thought someone was working on the issue. Then I tried to get my balance paid out to my pay pal account. It was denied and my balance owing to me ($60.00) was wiped out. I have send 5-6 trouble tickets and 4+ emails to this "Joe" person. I get no response. Its really funny. I received an email from the "administrator" of chillincash.com on July 4, 2009. It stated that they have reworked there customer service department, and now all emails/trouble tickets will be reponded to within 24 hours. It is now 10+ days with no response. WARNING this gaming site "Chillincash.com" is a scam....... First time and now last time I will ever sign up for one of these GPT sites.